linux terminal client application for x-win
(too old to reply)
2015-11-20 13:51:37 UTC
Hello, we are doing a move from development in Informix R4GL using a ZOC terminal from windows to a Linux based environment where we use eclipse with the nice plugin for 4GL from Chilibytes.

The problem is that we cant make the gnome-terminal be configured to bypass function keys (F10) so the program catch them and also character code isnt showing the rigth chars.

We have a modified TERMCAP.

The R4GL debugger also doesnt work with the function keys of course.

Anyway, can anybody tellme about a good terminal app for Linux desktop probed with Informix-R4GL forms and debugger ?

2015-11-23 20:40:11 UTC
sorry no experiences, however i would try xterm and or putty for linux.

Post by eferreyra
Hello, we are doing a move from development in Informix R4GL using a ZOC terminal from windows to a Linux based environment where we use eclipse with the nice plugin for 4GL from Chilibytes.
The problem is that we cant make the gnome-terminal be configured to bypass function keys (F10) so the program catch them and also character code isnt showing the rigth chars.
We have a modified TERMCAP.
The R4GL debugger also doesnt work with the function keys of course.
Anyway, can anybody tellme about a good terminal app for Linux desktop probed with Informix-R4GL forms and debugger ?