(too old to reply)
2019-01-31 18:29:41 UTC
Starting yesterday, I can no longer connect to the BBS at IIUG.

Might anyone be able to tell me whether there is a problem there?

My employer's security arrangements can change with no notice to employees. I cannot tell whether there is a problem on my end, or IIUG end. I will try to connect from my home tonight. Perhaps, it is a security thing at my office, and everything will be copacetic from home.

Thank you.

Paul Watson
2019-01-31 19:00:00 UTC
Not seen anything for months, I assumed it had been shutdown
Thanks for the heads up. It looks like the members' area is offline. I
have it checked out.
Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
ASK Database Management
Blog: http://informix-myview.blogspot.com/
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions
and do not reflect on the IIUG, nor any other organization with which I am
associated either explicitly, implicitly, or by inference. Neither do
those opinions reflect those of other individuals affiliated with any
entity with which I am affiliated nor those of the entities themselves.
Post by d***@gmail.com
Starting yesterday, I can no longer connect to the BBS at IIUG.
Might anyone be able to tell me whether there is a problem there?
My employer's security arrangements can change with no notice to
employees. I cannot tell whether there is a problem on my end, or IIUG
end. I will try to connect from my home tonight. Perhaps, it is a
security thing at my office, and everything will be copacetic from home.
Thank you.
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Paul Watson
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If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.
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