Is it just me...?
(too old to reply)
Spokey Wheeler
2017-09-19 13:43:45 UTC
Or is 12.10.FC9DE on MacOS X really, REALLY unstable?

It runs for a while after I bring it up, but eventually it stops responding and I start getting -908 errors. This has only started happening since I upgraded from FC8DE.

Any thoughts?
Lester Knutsen
2017-09-21 16:33:04 UTC

A students in my class this week had tried 12.10.FC9DE on MacOS X and also had problems, I am still running FC8 or earlier on all my Macs, will have to try the upgrade sometime soon now and will let you know the update ....

Regards - Lester
Post by Spokey Wheeler
Or is 12.10.FC9DE on MacOS X really, REALLY unstable?
It runs for a while after I bring it up, but eventually it stops responding and I start getting -908 errors. This has only started happening since I upgraded from FC8DE.
Any thoughts?
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